Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mario Testino - V Magazine

Since I can never find the files on the actual V Magazine website, I have snagged these images from Frou Frou Fashionista yet again:

Can we just discuss the lovely hair colors we have going on here?

© Mario Testino via V Magazine

Mario Testino always makes beautiful photographs but what I am really loving about this shoot are the all the fun hair colors.  I like the modern aspect it brings to these confused pin-up ish/victorian era style images. 

Likewise, Lady Gaga has a similar tone going on these days (though a little less colorful) and I'm really wondering how one achieves this? Especially in her case... it's grey, silver, blonde, pink and purple all at the same time.

Does anyone else see this?  It's a little more obvious in the Vanity Fair spread, which I also can't find, so here are the images individually:

© Nick Knight via Vanity Fair the 5th Annual Style Issue

Whatever plastic-esque material they used in the last image photographed beautifully! The shape it's making is a great compliment to the boots.  I also love the title of this particular image: "The Exploding Plastic Inevitable"
